Open today 10am to 4.30pm

Risk Assessment

Please download the Schools Visit Safety & Hazard Information for Risk Assesments for full information including a table showing possible hazards and steps taken to minimise the risks. Some of the information in the document is reproduced below.

Teachers and organisers should follow DfE guidelines and complete their own risk assessment. The purpose of this information is to provide as much detail as possible to help organisers to ensure that they are satisfied that the Golden Hind (GH) is suitable for their group, and to help them to identify the steps that they should take in preparation for their visit.

The GH is a full-size replica ship with uneven decks, low and small doorways and in some areas, low level, atmospheric lighting. We endeavour to make the GH as safe as possible whilst offering visitors an opportunity to experience life in the days of Tudor England & Pirates. This information in line with good practice, aims to highlight the things that can happen on board, albeit rarely, if at all, and the steps that GH have taken to minimise risks for visitors to the ship.

General Safety Measures

Organisers are welcome and encouraged to make a planning pre-visit (at no charge) to discuss the aims of the visit and assess the ship before bringing the group on board.

Organisers are responsible for ensuring that there are enough helpers. Students should be supervised in line with recommended ratios. We suggest one adult for every 6 students. Helpers must know who is in their group and that they are responsible at all times for supervising their students whilst embarking, on board and disembarking the ship. Organisers can use the website to familiarize themselves with the ship and its location, before the visit.

The supervision, welfare and behaviour of students are the responsibility of the organisers. It is expected that the Group 2 Leader is aware of any specific medical needs and/or behavioural and emotional difficulties of group members. Organisers should advise the GH of any special Educational Needs in advance of their visit to help ensure these needs are met.

Naturally students will be excited. It is important that everyone has an enjoyable and safe visit to the GH and it is the organiser’s responsibility to ensure that staff and students are fully briefed on the content of their risk assessment prior to the visit. To assist in this and help with the pre-brief of the group the ship’s ‘Golden Rules’ are listed below:

  • Students under the age of 16 must be supervised at all times
  • No running – ‘walk only’
  • No climbing or pulling any ropes, rigging, cords or chains
  • No hanging over the sides of the ship or climbing onto the edges of the ship
  • Take care when moving around decks especially, if the decks are wet under foot
  • Wear suitable footwear at all times - flat soled rubber fully enclosed shoes are recommended
  • Mobile phones should only be used in an emergency
  • No eating or drinking on board
  • Observe safety signage and ascend and descend steep staircases like a ladder as indicated onboard (ie facing the stair).

All visitors enter the Golden Hind at their own risk and are advised to take particular care when warnings and signs are displayed. All under 16’s must be supervised by adults and it is the responsibility of those adults to ensure appropriate care is taken by the minor. The Golden Hind will not be responsible for visitors for any accident happening or injury suffered by them or damage to or loss of any personal possessions whilst visiting the Golden Hind in Brixham.


CCTV is in operation on selected areas of the ship for the safety of visitors and by boarding the ship, visitors agree to being filmed whilst on board. Golden Hind staff may refuse to permit boarding to any person(s) whom they deem unfit to access the ship and have the right to request anyone to leave the ship, if their behaviour is disruptive to others or an unacceptable risk to the crew or visitors.