Open today 10am to 4pm

School Visits

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The Ship strikes a great balance between living history, learning and being a FUN, exciting 'Pirate Ship' to explore. The indoor Great Cabin has seating for up to 30 children, and standing room for many more. Below deck, the atmospheric lighting and uneven floors give a feeling of how claustrophobic life would have been with up to 80 crew on board amongst barrels of supplies, armoury and food stores. 

The Ship aims to give an accurate representation of life on board by way of:

  • Showing how the Tudor crew lived with realistic displays and artefacts
  • Telling the story of Drake's amazing voyage in an interesting and visual way Sharing the story of Drake's life - from birth in Plymouth to becoming one of the most famous Europeans
  • Offering 'hands-on' activities such as rope tying and rope hauling

See the What's On Board tab for current activities

Visits last about an hour and typical visit will comprise:

  • Welcome on Board
  • Layout of the Ship explained
  • Expore the Ships' inside and outside decks
  • Educational introduction to the ship with a costumed pirate (minimum group size 20)
  • Interactive questions and answers
  • Time to explore the ship and complete our stamp trial or school questionnaire
  • Visit to the On Board Shop (if required)

The costumed storyteller will meet the group on arrival, engage with them, and bring alive the life and times of the officers and the crew on board.

Cost of School Visits

Groups of 20 or more will usually have exclusive use of the Ship, although there may be a small number of other visitors on board. For smaller groups of up to 20, there may be other visitors on board, depending upon the timing of the visit.

The cost is *£7.00 per pupil (up to age 16) with no charge for accompanying adults (based on a maximum of 1 per 6 pupils). For groups of 20 or more, this includes a costumed storyteller (subject to the timing of the visit). For smaller groups of 19 or less, there is an additional charge of £20.00 towards the cost of the costumed storyteller. *This price is inclusive of VAT and the price excluding VAT is £5.83

Bookings and Payment

Bookings can be made online -

Book Online Now

Payment terms are 14 days before the visit, either by cheque made payable to 'Brixhams Treasure Ltd' or via BACS payment. It may also be possible to arrange payment on the day, please contact us to discuss this. (01803 856223 or 07912 426252 or email

Places of interest to visit in Brixham

Brixham is a busy fishing port, and there is always plenty to see around the Harbour with it's fishing trawlers and fish market.

Risk Assessment Information.

We are fully committed to ensuring that pupils visiting are protected and kept safe from harm. We provide safety and hazard information to help organisers ensure that they are satisfied that the ship is suitable for their group, and to assist in briefing the group before their trip. Download the Safety and Hazard Information

School Visit FAQ.

Download the Pre-Visit Information and FAQ pdf file.

School Worksheet.

A School Worksheet is available. Please download the worksheet the answers to which are to be found around the ship. An answer sheet is available to teachers.